UK Cooperative Extension Service KSU Cooperative Extension Programs
at the Henry County Web

The Cooperative Extension Service of Henry County, Kentucky


Many of you know about the Second Wind Dreams program that grants dreams of residents of nursing homes!

We have completed OVER 534 dreams!  Thanks!

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Second Wind Dreams - 100 Fulfilled!

Don Dalger, Past Administrator at Providence New Castle (previously known as Homestead) presented Second Wind Dreams Committee Chairman Sue Barnett with a recognition plaque to the group for the 100 Dreams that they have granted at Providence New Castle (previously known as Homestead). If you or your group would like to donate or participate in a dream give us a call.

Marian at Twin Oaks wanted fireworks for her 85th birthday on the 4th of July! Second Wind Dreams provided them.

SECOND WIND fireworks!


Second Wind Dreams Project

If you haven't heard about Second Wind Dreams there is a national organization website that will explain.  Second Wind Dreams Video


101. Edith Tennill finished up the 6 gown/robes provided by Wanda, Sue, Margaret and Helen! The ladies should be looking pretty! Edith has completed a total of 27 for the residents!

102. New Shirts/Tops for Alice by Wanda Thurman

103. Blizzards provided for residents thanks to the New Castle Christian Church Bible School

Second Wind Dreams - Blizzards & Bingo Dream

104. Valentine Part for residents with music and decorations by the New Castle United Methodist Women.

105. Blizzards (60) for the Bingo group on April 21, 2011

106, 107 & 108. The Town and country Homemaker Club has purchased Coloring Books, Markers and Crayons for both Dodie and Sadie for Christmas for 2008, 2009 and 2010 and we failed to get it recorded!

109, 110 & 111: We purchased 3 Twiddle Muffs for 3 residents with dementia

112: New Castle United Methodist women purchase 25 new large bingo cards for Providence New Castle (previously known as Homestead) (Anna Mae Scott’s dream)

113. Dorothy received a beautiful quilt and matching pillow sham for her room by Brenda

Second Wind Dreams - New Quilt Dream


114. Marian had a wonderful 4th of July 85th Birthday party complete with the fireworks donated by our group, musical entertainment and food including 2 birthday cakes!

Second Wind Dreams - OVER 100 Fulfilled!  Second Wind Dreams - OVER 100 Fulfilled!
Marian at Twin Oaks wanted fireworks for her 85th birthday on the 4th of July! Second Wind Dreams provided them.

115. Ruth Ellegood’s dream of flying in a plane or riding in something was granted when she rode the limo to Bowman field. Although she did not feel up to the flight that day, Bernice Wallance and Frances Dicerson both enjoyed a 30 minute sightseeing tour. Zelma Barnsfather also rode in the limo.

116. Raymond Washburn-Garden soil and plants purchased by committee

117. Janice Kinney-small cd player & cd’s (country, 50’s & 60’s). Pat’s group

118. Wanda Miller-small TV with DVD player by committee

119. Ann M. : Dresses/Dusters by Zelma’s group

120. Sadie-Gown, Bra and headbands by Sue

121. Bernice: a trip to the ocean or a DVD of ocean scenes. Committee purchased 2 beach videos for her

122. Mattie wanted a gown-granted by Margaret’s Bible Study

123. Edith took four more gowns to split down the back for residents

124. Pat renewed the subscription to Birds in Boom for residents

Several of the residents wanted a pretty gown with the ease of a hospital gown. So the New Castle United Methodist women have purchased about 40 over the last couple of years and Edith Tennill modified them by cutting them up the back, finishing the edges and adding ties! Now the ladies can wear a pretty gown!

The committee models the modified gowns! Edith is fifth from left.
The committee models the modified gowns! Edith is fifth from left.
pretty gown with the ease of a hospital gown


Bernice loves the beach again.

Bernice had lived in Florida and wanted to go to the beach so we provided her with two beach videos and a special day with her wheel chair sitting in the sun with the window open and a pan of sand and warm water to soak her feet in as she sipped on a fruity drink!

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Maryellen Garrison

Henry County Extension Agent
For Family and Consumer Sciences

Cooperative Extension Service
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My Cottage Web Studio
© Copyright 1997-2022 Joyce K. Meyer. All Rights Reserved
This site was created by Joyce K. Meyer, on October 26, 1997.
Last revised on 04/05/22.