UK Cooperative Extension Service KSU Cooperative Extension Programs
at the Henry County Web

The Cooperative Extension Service of Henry County, Kentucky



Pleasureville REunion 331. Pleasureville Reunion (Corelle, Wilena/Mary,
Martha, Mickey and Joyce are planning to go)

Many of you know about the Second Wind Dreams program that grants dreams of residents of nursing homes!

We have completed OVER 534 dreams!  Thanks!

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Second Wind Dreams Project

If you haven't heard about Second Wind Dreams there is a national organization website that will explain.  Second Wind Dreams Video


314. Harold Mitchell received Buck Owens and Chet Adkins CD

315. Judy Peyton received an Ernest Tubb CD

316. Vegetable Plants were purchased for Providence’s garden

317. Clothes (3 pair pants and 5 shirts) provided to Wanda Miller

318. Boom box to Wanda Miller

Perfume for Alma
319. Evening in Paris perfume for Alma

320. Purse for Hazel. Edith brought her several black and tan purses that she indicated she wanted but had forgotten that day. Another day LeeAnne walked in with a bright Coral purse she had found for next to nothing at a yard sale and Hazel fell in love with it! So LeeAnne just unloaded her purse and gave it to Hazel who was thrilled!

321. Local subscription for Joyce Roberts was renewed.

322. Wilbur received some 2 sweatpants and 2 long sleeved tees

323. Janice received 3 midi skirts and 3 shirts

324. Ida received 3 midi skirts and 3 shirts

325. Odean received a new wallet (compliments of Tom Smith) and a $25 phone card.

326. Homemade ice cream day was August 14

327. Kathy Gephart purchased the Treasure Cart Items and made a $40 towards it, plus purchased some extra items she donated.

328. Local Subscription for Hazel Webb renewed

329. Field and Stream Magazine renewed for James

330. Reminisce Magazine ordered for Providence New Castle

Pleasureville Reunion

331. Pleasureville Reunion (Corelle, Wilena/Mary, Martha, Mickey and Joyce are planning to go)

Theater Performance

332. Two residents of Twin Oaks attend the performance of Beauty and the Beast by Theatre Downstream!

DQ Dream

333. To celebrate the 3rd Annual Second Wind Dreams Day we provided 130 mini-Blizzards from DQ to the residents and staff at Twin Oaks, Providence New Castle, and the Henry County Senior Center

334. Phillip received 4 UK shirts!

335. Treasure cart was resupplied thanks to Kathy Schwandner!

336.  We made 18 Feed Sack Totes at a work day and sold all during or after the Holiday Bazaar.  We also sold 9 cookbooks.  $330 Proceeds for Music and Memory

337. We have had 7 I-Pods donated (Brocious/Steverson/Tolefson) for our Music and Memory Program and $175 in donations (K. Shannon/Jane Thurman)

338. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Ms. Henry

339. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Man at Senior Center

340. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Man at Senior Center

341. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Man at Senior Center

342. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Lady at Senior Center

343. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sack for Lady at Senior Center

344. Points of Light Activities: Large gift sacks for couple in New Castle

345. Points of Light Activities: 125 Personal Care gift sacks for all residents at Providence from Henry County Homemakers, 36 sacks by Karen Shannon


348. Virtual Dementia Program for 19 staff at Providence/Twin Oaks

346. For Veteran Day, veterans at Providence received tee-shirts from the Army and Navy thanks to Jerry Cavanaugh and 4 hats were obtained by the DAV thanks to Linda Noel.

347. Thanks to Kathy Schwandner for shopping for the Treasure Cart in November!


348. Virtual Dementia Program for 19 staff at Providence/Twin Oaks


349. Wanda received a check for $39 to her resident account for 3 haircuts


350. Country Ladies provided Valentines for Providence Residents


351. Odean received a Jacket


352. Twin Oaks received two white rocking chairs purchased at Cracker Barrel by the committee from donations

Virtual Dementia

353. Provided paper for the Dulcimer group music (10 reams of paper)


354. Wanda received her Music and Memory I-Pod and music


355. Henry County Homemakers made 57 Walker Bags for Providence and New Castle residents

Walker Bags

356. Larry received 2 pairs of lounge pants


357. Shelby received 2 pairs of lounge pants


358. Blizzard Day was held on Friday, May 13 as the end of National Nursing Home Week. We provided 130 blizzards for the residents and staff at both Twin Oaks and Providence.


359. Thanks to Margaret Hayden for shopping for the Treasure Cart in May!


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Maryellen Garrison

Henry County Extension Agent
For Family and Consumer Sciences

Cooperative Extension Service
Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
 ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expressions, pregnancy,
marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.


Complaint Proceedure: Any person who believes that he/she has been discriminated against in any Research or Cooperative Extension sponsored program or activity may contact: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Bldg., 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 202-9410. 202-720-5964


My Cottage Web Studio
© Copyright 1997-2022 Joyce K. Meyer. All Rights Reserved
This site was created by Joyce K. Meyer, on October 26, 1997.
Last revised on 04/05/22.