UK Cooperative Extension Service KSU Cooperative Extension Programs
at the Henry County Web

The Cooperative Extension Service of Henry County, Kentucky



363. Pleasureville Reunion (Corelle, Wilena/Mary,
Martha, Mickey and Joyce are planning to go)

Many of you know about the Second Wind Dreams program that grants dreams of residents of nursing homes!

We have completed OVER 534 dreams!  Thanks!

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Second Wind Dreams Project

If you haven't heard about Second Wind Dreams there is a national organization website that will explain.  Second Wind Dreams Video


360. Thanks to Kathy Schwandner for shopping for the Treasure Cart for July!

361. Phillip received 2 boxes of original recipe Cheez-Its and 2 boxes of thin pretzels

362. Anne received a baby doll and blanket and a purse with lots of pockets

Phillip tasty treats

Annie's Baby Doll

363. Odean received 2 pair of summer elastic waist shorts and 3 UK tee shirts

364. Wilbur received 4 light weight summer tee shirts

365. Kathy delivered 9 vases of cut flowers to residents!

366. Elvis performed for National Second Wind Dreams Day.

367. Calvin received 3 long sleeve, solid color tee shirts

368. Wayne received an electric razor.

369. Faux Fur Coat provided to Resident who goes out once a week!

370. Dress Clothes donated for residents for Thanksgiving Dinner Dress Up

371. 4-Shadow Boxes updated by Greta Steverson

372. Susan Coleman drew a Border Cololie picture for a Shadowbox for a resident

373. 4 more Shadow Boxes updated by Greta Steverson

374. Veteran residents went to see movie “Hacksaw Ridge” and lunch at McDonalds - $70 paid by Committee

375. Subscription to Henry County Local for Hazel Webb renewed

376. Candy donated for the Halloween celebration and several committee members helped-the volunteers agreed this was one of the BEST events they have helped with!

377. Music and Memory volunteer Camryn McMannis is working on the music program-3 more units donated.

378. 4 Residents from Twin Oaks attended Mary Poppins performance by Theatre Downstream

379. Elvis performed a December Concert


380. 101 Gifts of Light were provided to residents at New Castle Nursing and Twin Oaks as part of the Be a Santa to a
senior thanks to the Henry County Homemakers and Karen Shannon.

381. We provided 8 large Gifts of Light gift boxes to independent living seniors from the Senior Center.

382. 4Her’s have begun painting residents fingernails every month. (2nd Tuesday)

383. Hazel Web’s subscription to the Local was renewed

384. 5 more i-Pods were purchased and one brand new on was donated by Jessica Powell at the Library, Maryellen found two speakers and we purchased $50 in i-Tunes cards for the Music and Memory program

385. We purchased a lifelike Boy Baby Doll and a stuffed dog and cat for the Comfort Care program

386. We purchased a Girl Baby Doll and a Kitty that moved, purred and meowed

387. Another I-pod was donated for the Music and Memory Program by Marti Tolefson

388. 10 Tickets to the Miracle Worker were provided to residents/staff of New Castle/Twin Oaks

389. Painting supplies were selected by artist Sharon Silvers and paid for by the committee for resident Frank

390. We are purchasing multiple copies of the Local for residents. We have paid for 4 months and have renewed a subscription for Shirley Harris.

391. Easter flowers and candy for former committee members Edith Tennill and Wanda Thurman were delivered by Maryellen and Cynthia.

392. Ten I-pods and a $50 I-tunes card were purchased for the Music and Memory program.

393. TV provided and hooked up for Edith Tennill.

Second Wind Dream #394

394. Little Big Mac Day provided burgers from McDonalds to residents, and staff at both facilities during National Nursing Home Week

Second Wind Dream #395     395. Farm Day Celebration had Johnny and June Cash Impersonators, and a Farm Yard with horses, a cow, rabbits, iguanas, goats, watermelon, lemonade, and fried chicken!

Second Wind Dream #397

397. We purchased garden soil and plants for the three raised bed gardens

Second Wind Dream #396

396. We purchased 2 large gazebo type umbrellas for the residents outside enjoyment

Second Wind Dream #398 398. We purchased fleece for Project Linus so the residents at Twin Oaks could enjoy making the blankets for abused children



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Maryellen Garrison

Henry County Extension Agent
For Family and Consumer Sciences

Cooperative Extension Service
Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
 ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expressions, pregnancy,
marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.


Complaint Proceedure: Any person who believes that he/she has been discriminated against in any Research or Cooperative Extension sponsored program or activity may contact: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Bldg., 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 202-9410. 202-720-5964


My Cottage Web Studio
© Copyright 1997-2022 Joyce K. Meyer. All Rights Reserved
This site was created by Joyce K. Meyer, on October 26, 1997.
Last revised on 04/05/22.